Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You can still be tough and carry your stuff - Blogtoberfest Day 6

Finished another drawstring bag tonight, this one is for my 4 year old son. 

The little man chose the fabric himself and proudly showed it to his dad last week after our outing to Spotlight. The bloke who lives at my place (who was hoping, I think, for something less...well...polka-dot-ish) rose to the occasion, nodded sagely and said "Good idea having a bag like that Son. So you can still be tough, and carry your stuff."  Much to my amusement, the little man has been repeating the phrase ever since.

Just scraped in for day 6 of Blogtoberfest...I almost needed a late pass!


  1. That is very cool. Love the wee saying and how cute your wee man has been repeating it all week :)

  2. very cute! Love the saying too.


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