Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Creative Space

Usually when I take a pic of My Creative Space, I stage it just a little. I tidy up. I make sure all the important elements of my craft make it into the shot (and the brekky dishes do not). So the end result is that it's a  concise and aesthetically pleasing photographic representation of my crafty adventures, rather than a picture of my space when I'm actually getting creative. Well, in the spirit of honesty, today you are getting The Real Deal.

Yep, this is how I create. In real life. Yes, that's my kitchen table. Yes, that's a coffee cup left over from breakfast in the background - you wouldn't want me to waste valuable crafting time by doing housework, now would you?
And because my creative space got too big for the table, I did some of it on the loungeroom floor.

Don't look too closely at the carpet, I haven't vacuumed in weeks.

I'm working on my Softie for Mirabel. For more pics of chicks avoiding housework Creative Spaces visit Kirsty.


  1. Aaaah... I can only see the second photo, but I can certainly imagine the first! (I may be imagining it even messier than it is... does that freak you out...?!)

    Happy softie making! You might convince me yet to JUST BLOODY DO IT! ;)

  2. I usually take macro photos so you can't see all of the crap that's all over the rest of my house... hee hee
    Crafting is much more important than cleaning!

  3. i love it! i am all for embracing the creative mess! i can't wait to see your softie done - i am yet to start mine (eek!) and am thinking i might not have enough time left...

  4. Nothing wrong with a crafty mess!!! Looks just right for great results!!

  5. Ha ha - I'm with you on the anti-housework front!

  6. it sounds like you are in the right place! creating (and blogging) over housework anyday

  7. Oh I know where you are coming from! I have never been brave enough to show any space at all. I just show individual projects and hope that noone notices.

  8. I got a great laugh from your last sentance. And I know you are not alone in slightly staging photos... xx B

  9. Absolutely... there's a lot of avoidance going on here too! Good luck with getting your softie together in time :) K

  10. Your space is perfect Gypsy. In a "Housework Versus Craft" showdown, craft is the winner every time!

  11. I've made a rule about the housework so that I make sure I do it ... every now & then. :)

  12. ah looks just like home, only neater


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